B2B Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

As the importance of social media for B2B companies continue to grow, some marketers still remain unclear on how to utilize social marketing for their business. Some B2B marketers struggle specifically with the concept of developing an integrated social marketing strategy for their business, what social sites to use, and how to create proper success metrics. With an increase in social reports, industry studies, and expert advice B2B marketers can catch up quick and create a winning social strategy that will benefit their business.

I recently came across this social benchmark report, conducted by B2B Marketing, which highlights some of the current issues and trends affecting B2B marketers within social media. Here are some of the interesting findings from the social benchmark report worth noting that are highlighted in the infographic below:

  • Twitter is the most popular social media platform for B2B businesses [click to tweet]
  • In the next 12 months, Google+ will become the most relevant social network for B2B businesses [click to tweet]
  • Primary measurement focus remains website traffic, while number of followers is second [click to tweet]
  • 44% of businesses rarely calculate ROI, while a mere 1% completely calculate ROI [click to tweet]

Is Twitter your go-to social network to best market and promote your B2B business? What are your thoughts on the use and emergence of Google+ as a more prominent B2B social media platform?

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